Atmospheric gameplay trailer for the interactive horror Silent Hill: Asceence

Genvid has published an official premiere trailer and key illustrations for Silent Hill: Ascension, and also announced partnership with Sony Picture Entertainment, in which the weekly plot episodes created under the influence of the audience will be released in the Sony Pictures Core appendix for the PlayStation 5 And PlayStation 4, Bravia Core application for Bravia TVs and the Bravia Core application for Xperia on some smartphones Xperia.

"We are pleased to present the families of Johansen and Ernandez in the universe Silent Hill", – The creator and chief creative director of the interactive series Genvid Stefan Bugay said in a press release. "As they plunge into their own horrors, and their cities will be simultaneously covered by mass hysteria, these two families will discover strange ties among themselves, despite the fact that they are in different parts of the world".

Genvid General Director Jacob Navki added: "Such an experience as in Silent Hill: Asceence. This is not a game, but an interactive streaming series that will change as the audience will make decisions together. Although I am an executive producer of the series, I do not know how it will end. It’s in your hands. And the content you have created will be broadcast around the world on TVs and phones thanks to our relationship with Sony Pictures, Google, Apple and other companies". Participation in Silent Hill: Ascension every day means that you will become part of a story that will never happen again".

Senior Vice President Sony Pictures Entertainment New Media Distribution Pit Wood said: "With Silent Hill, we master completely new territories: Asceence. Thanks to this unique cooperation with Genvid, we will be happy to offer the audience on Sony devices to monitor the events of Silent Hill: Ascension using complete episodes of compiled scenes from this innovative interactive series".

Silent Hill: Asceence will be released on November 1, 2023 at 02:00 Moscow time in desktop browsers, iOS via App Store and Android via Google Play.