EA reported details of a relatively new update for Battlefield 2042

The developers of Battlefield 2042 reported that next week update 5 will be available on all platforms.2, in which the start card will be finally redesigned, and a number of balanced changes, corrections and other improvements will be made.

Brief information about the upcoming changes includes:

  • Redesin maps "Hourglass" – The final redesign of the Battlefield 2042 card, which became the crown of developers for improving the direct visibility, bypass and combat clashes on each map. Dimensions "Sanding clock" were reduced to maintain focus in combat clashes, more opportunities for defense due to additional shelters along key routes and much more!
  • Vault Weapons – SMG and LMG received the Total War prefix, becoming part of other types of weapons.
  • Detachments Management – now commanders can give orders for attack or defense, depending on the goals. Drinks can interact with each other and receive additional XP (bonus to the order of the detachment) for the successful execution of orders.
  • Improved boxes with ammunition – ammunition boxes now have a total of waiting time between other deployed ammunition boxes, the time of reloading and supplying the supply and supply is significantly reduced, and an additional store for the main and additional weapons is provided.
  • Adjustment of the scatter coefficient for SMT and ML – like recent changes in the scatter coefficient for assault rifles, SMG and LMG have now also received the adjustment of the scatter coefficient, as well as general improvements in the spread factor for weapons.

A complete overview of all changes included in update 5.2, can be found on the Battlefield blog.

There will be a lesson that you do not need to trust the series do not understand who.

How is it playing now?

Better than on the release, but it is quickly bored with 128 players to do on the map, a bad idea.

Why bad? Despite my love for the port of Arika and for the channels of Noshahhra (literally beloved cards among all parts of the BF), I generally stopped going into 64 mode. The pace is not the same, the density of kneading is also not the same. In general, I have been playing only 128 for a long time and I do not think this is a bad idea. It would be interesting to listen to another opinion.)

Because it exacerbates the problem of Battlefined? Namely, the fact that 2-3 points are usually popular on the map, conditionally 25 people run between them, and between the rest of the points 5-8 people, only if 5-8 people can still be shot even alone, especially in Battlefield V, then Here, in the BF2042, a person runs between 2-3 points 50 and another man runs between the others and to kill 14 people alone, clearly more difficult than 5-8. I’m not talking about the fact that the rules in the game were moments when you kill one, the crowd just runs out on you and takes out in a second, well, it is difficult to stop it like a wave of graves between 2-3 points, it was not exacerbated in the past parts, But here it became critical and as soon as if on average in BF4 \ V you could do 50-60 frags for the battle, then it is good in Battlefield 2042 if you do 40, it seems that some logical joint happened, but more players = better, this is better, this It is not true, there should be so many of them so that it does not turn into a booth, and this is what happens into BF2042, well, very much technology, it also enractions, it stupidly fights somewhere on the outskirts, because this tanks are 2-3 and a mustache , it was in COD, but Battlefield is not COD. And it was precisely for this that DICE veterans did not do more than one of the parts with 128 players, because they understood this, the new designers apparently thought, let’s bump 128 players, and naturally did not think about the consequences, some are busy that they accuse their colleagues of sexual harassment, others are busy the fact that they think their words 1000 times, so that God forbid they were not taken as a harace, of course, somewhere before the game, when they can be disguised.

An interesting point of view. I do not agree with her and I can not call problems what you call you.
I think that there should be situations when you almost certainly can’t make out several detachments in Solo and grab a point. I believe that there should be situations when, at the sight of a group of enemies, it will be more profitable to display them for the rest and quietly pass by, taking a more profitable position for the attack, waiting for Timmates. It seems to me that the opportunity to go out of any situation to Solo to the winner, just the same prerogative witchcraft.)
As for the technique, I also thought that it would not be bad to see it anymore on the map, but then I remembered that the infantry and so suffered massively from it. I recalled how sometimes a hand-to-hand Chelik in Solo on Knightber with zero deaths or a couple of Cheliks on Elbc-Ram would control half the card from the start, caring out the entire infantry and leave no chance to turn off the battle in their favor, leading their commands to victory with a detachment of 500-700 points. And somehow immediately the desire to see even more equipment on the map disappeared.
But your point of view has the right to life definitely. Thank you.

Detachments Management – now commanders can give orders for attack or defense, depending on the goals. Drinks can interact with each other and receive additional XP (bonus to the order of the detachment) for the successful execution of orders.

It will now again begin to bite orders and requests for orders for receiving points. The outdated logic of the times when there was no communication between the members of the detachment. Without communication in the detachment, everyone is still put on orders. You stupidly stand at the point, but they give you +100 because you set a target as for the murder of the enemy. Then, on the basis of the cartridges in front of the Timmates, you also ran in the top and you are in the top, while others let them sweat)