Mortal Kombat 12 may appear a peacemaker and a homelander as invited characters

Earlier this year, WB Games confirmed that Mortal Kombat 12 will be released within 2023, and the Netherrealm Studios developer also recently released a brief teaser of the game. And taking into account the fact that the next part of the playing, apparently, is preparing for a full-fledged show, may also have new details about some inclusions in the list of characters.

Mortal Kombat, like many other famous franchises, has a rich history of the appearance of guest characters from other IPs, and, it seems, in the next game of the series will be a couple of popular Superheric characters in this quality. According to hints, recently left on Twitter by journalist Jesz Korden, the character character DC Peacemaker and boys from boys may appear in Mortal Kombat 12 as invited characters. Will they be included as DLC after launch, it is still unknown.

Turned the game into a trash, then call everyone out of analysis.

Guest characters are cool and you do not need to drive on them. They went to everyone except whiners who will not understand in any way, everything in MK will never be straight by all characters. They will be shuffled from part to part. Plus a huge list is not profitable from a logical point of view. Too many combinations and animations that will be repeated. Plus guest ones are added along with ordinary fighters. And while most are satisfied. In MK11, unless Robokop fit very, and that was interesting in its own. But the rest are top.

And 100% of those who have not played MK have been inhabited by 100% or launched it scruffy and he went to whine. And defend the rightness weakly?

Someone just found out that in MK they add characters from the cinema.

Out of good cinema is okay, but this is not a movie, this is a gyvno.

Honestly, tired of the frank left characters. Better added characters from past parts MK.

well, no one forces you to play for them.

Pepe’s pig can now really be in DLS!

This is some kind of nonsense

Nafig they are generally needed, these clowns invited.

Marketing they help to sell the game

Instead of the invited, you need to add fighters from the Deculation Armageddon Deadly Alliance

Hospade and drunk these tasteless clones then.

Guest characters do not interfere with anyone, and in the PS 2 trilogy, only Sudinko norms is. The rest of the artist blinded in 10 minutes while he shit in the toilet.

Fuck their mother, and they are the same as the makar should appear. What are the fucking cooling and Miroborstsy. SKAY TUBILAY MORTUHA RAS.

The same as Rimbae, Kratos, Leather face, xenomorph, etc. Ninja turtles seemed to be in indjustis.

For the sake of the fan by itself

Forgot to enter Freddie Kruger, these Persians of norms fit because the films were cool, but this is modern Avno Nehren to shove here.

I have not forgotten, it was just not necessary to list everyone.

Well, you understand my message!

Well, hell knows what it is "Modern" G"VNO, Kratos? turtles? T-800 and Rimbo? He said this for the sake of the fan, about 20 years ago, my friends and I argued who is cooler than Schwartz or Stallone, 11 mk gave us Rimbae and Terminator. They are not shoved into the plot

The puzzled by the back of the head -But then the Peacemaker will essentially be a striker clone. And for sure, it is no longer in the main growth of it from nine.

well, add and add, all the same, the nerds on the same and the same will play

I’m waiting! So I want the Homelander, with his pleased mug, to make fatalics!

Okay, there is still a peacemaker. He will go to himself at the Mortoch fighter in full, but the Homelander is a purely imba for bending. How they put him there xs. If only the laser gaze is not the main attack, but will put it at least 2 or 3 m with a blow. But it is better to leave it purely for fatalics at all.

Well, it used to be Mortal Kombat VS DC, and there was a superman, so.
But in general, let the guest characters be put in the ass. Continue this clowning.

Well, in Injustice 2 there is a superglle and superman, they are not weaker than Homlander, however, it is impossible to call them imboe, it is not necessary to do the laser beam from the eyes to kill one touch and beat without interruption. And if we talk about realism, then most of the blows to Mortal Combat are, if not fatal, then at least they deprive the opponent of the opportunity to continue the battle further, and the same famous blow by Johni Cage will beat any opponent for at least a few minutes, in the game the character bends only on Fraction of a second. I am generally silent about the use of various weapons, so the Homelander demolitions 5-10% to his laser will quite normally fit into Mortal Combat

That would be Epic. Want!

Why did you translate the name of one character, but there is no other? Google hung?

It would be better to make original Persians as much as possible!

Be calmer is just a rumor

Scheggi still add from a bouton – do, walk like that, I want more classics and not garbage spells that will be lies for checkmarks and for PR films or cartoons.

It will be funny for them to blow the enemy. Moreover, both do not shy away to fat enemies.

In this case, let Ed Bun add to the site from the One-Punch Man anime! It will be interesting to observe how rivals are carried into pieces from one blow.

Homelander is too imbia. It turns out another indjustis where a conditional jocker can even pierce the superman. I hope such characters will never be introduced in MK.

MK is not a game about realism, if a Homelander can kill a person in a movie, then this does not mean that in the game he will kill everyone in the same way, there is a superman and a supergl in Injustice2, but they are not too imbia. If desired, they can add Dr. Manhattan, and at the same time he will not kill anyone there by force of thought and will be mortal himself. For some reason, everyone forgot how in the movie Sabziro froze a person and that’s all, one frost was enough to kill, but in the game he does not bother with his frost, but freezes only for a couple of seconds and he is not imbia. Yes, and many other characters there in reality would kill from one blow, even no one would have experienced a simple shaokan’s sledgehammer on the head. and a shot from a pistol, too, would not have survived. But for some reason, some people think that the character who continues to fight after a blow in the groin, hit the head with a sledgehammer, a knife, a sword or ax, and getting into it from a pistol or shotgun, will instantly die from the laser beam from getting into it. funny!

So I agree, but again, Hawmonder, even in comparison with other supra, is considered imboe, but no wonder by the plot against him no one wants to speak alone, I specifically about it

But this is a movie. In the cinema, by the way, imob characters sometimes lose their imbalance, remember the Hulk and Vizhin of 1 and 2 Avengers and what they were in 3 parts. Yes, and many other characters are not always omnipotent, I understand what you are talking about, based on what we saw in the boys, it is difficult for us to imagine how, for example, some Casey Cage kills in hand -to -hand combat of Homelander and also makes him fatalics. But you forgot that there is a terminator in MK11, and for some reason no one is embarrassed that other characters are people who can kill him in hand-to-hand combat and make him fatalics. And this is after we saw in the cinema, how he can tear his heart to a person with a bare hand, that bullets do not take it, etc. And in MK there are the so -called gods. Raiden, Cetrion, Kronika.

hmm, well, about the gods in fact. By the way, in the cartoon it seems just Raiden who reduced his divinity, so to speak, to take part in the tournament, so there is logic in principle.