The developers of GEARS of War and Dishonored have joined the celebration of the “incredible” 30th anniversary of Doom

The developers get together to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Doom, and recall their earliest memories of the classic FPS.

Doom, if you can believe it, already 30 years old. This milestone was passed on December 10. To celebrate this event, the developers send messages with thanks and gratitude to doom in honor of the anniversary.

It is appropriate to start with Marty Streton and Hugo Martin, executive producer and game director of the DOOM franchise, respectively. They thanked not only the original team of developers from ID Software, but also especially noted everyone who made mods for Doom during the year. It’s nice to hear such words from two leaders.

These were incredible 30 years! We will be glad if you share your stories, cosplay and passion for the series

Vice President and Technical Director of The Coalition, Kate Reiner, also expressed words of gratitude to doom. Rainer thanks not only the game itself for teaching her to create engines, but also especially notes that the updates of the plan of John Karmak and "Black Book on Graphics Programming" Michael Abrash were "The main reading" For her in the 1990s.

ARKANE co -founder and director Dishonored Harvey Smith in a video message called Doom one of his "Favorite games of all time". Smith began working in the industry in the very year when DOOM came out, and remembers how people "shouted in Origin’s corridors when she left".

Smith also has kind words to doom 2016 and 2020 doom eaternal. "This is incredible, this is a miracle", – Smith says about the last two games from ID Software. "You took everything that was in doom, modernized it and made it magnificent", – Smith says, adding that partly the 30th anniversary of Doom is celebrated thanks to the further work of ID Software.

The head of the studio Arkane Lyon, Ding Bakaba, also remembered the origin of Doom. Doom was the very first game in which Bakaba played on his first PC, and this helped to form his opinion and "perception" what games can be. Bakaba even has a wonderful doom eternal on the wall, as shown below.

Veteran ID Software Tom Hall, who worked not only on the original doom, but also on the Commander Keen, Wolfenstein 3D and Rise of the Triad, also shared his feelings about the 30th anniversary of Doom. Even developing games for more than 36 years, Hall still believes that he "Lucky" Work with people like John Karmak and John Romero in Doom, and he helped "Burn the FPS genre".

Jordan Mehner, one of the founding developers of Prince of Persia, also spoke out on this topic. Mechner tweet is slightly more vague than some other thoughts, but he added that it "Memories of 1993 Bright", which indicates that he has quite pleasant memories of the year’s exit doom.

It is nice to see these support messages in honor of the 30th anniversary of Doom, because, let’s say, not every day the game reaches the age of 30 and still so much remember the people that it inspired all over the world. The legacy of doom to this day is reflected in the development of games.