On the PC and consoles, the release of the shooter Robocop: Rogue City took place. In Steam, the game receives positive reviews

Just a few hours ago, Robocop: Rogue City’s release – FPS games created based on the popular film in the last film "Robocop". The Polish studio TEYON, who created Terminator: Resistance, was responsible for the development of the game.

In parallel with this, the first grades of the game from simple gamers began to appear on Steam. Moreover, the opinions of players and critics are radically different. So, representatives of the press accepted the novelty from Teyon’s studio ambiguously. However, users were satisfied with the game. Currently, on the Valve platform, Robocop: Rogue City has 429 positive reviews, of which 94% are positive. But the online component still looks weak, more than 4,000 people are playing Steam now at the same time.

Users attributed a good gameplay, excellent graphics, good optimization, the abundance of the fan service and the carefully conveyed atmosphere of the original film. Of the minuses, one can highlight the plot of the game, although here without special complaints, since it takes far from the main place in this project. In a word, fans "Robocop" it will be interesting!

Robocop: Rogue City is already available on PC and consoles Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and PlayStation 5. In Steam, the novelty can be purchased for 1699 rubles.

The game is worthy, interesting and side missions, nothing like that, optimization compared to some new products, the best) schedules are not bad, especially reflections in puddles)

On the asphalt, it seems to be poplar fluff)

What with asphalt ?

I did not have such an asphalt, but the liquid in the game does not look very. Nevertheless, this is interesting to play the same Starfield and there are normal women’s NPCs)

In general, with such graphics, there can be no claims in terms of optimization, receiving hundreds of FPS (RTX4070) in 2k from DL on MAKS quality without a framimgenerator

I immediately liked the success of the developers, I immediately liked their terminator, but I treated this game quite skeptical, despite the fact that the game has mediocre mechanics, physicist and stupid enemies all this with more than pays off atmosphere, cool locations, interesting quests and just some kind of transcendent the number of Easternakers, references, scenes, dialogs, music and various little things from films and having passed significantly more than half I can confidently said that the game turned out to be excellent, and the more you play the more, the more it is because with each new location you see how reverently you are And they scrupulously approached to recreate everything that was in films, even Alex Flashbacks were made just awesome, and I even wanted to buy a game.

Who loves original films game is required to pass, get just a sea of ​​emotions.

The terminator was not very coccyx already much better

And it looks like Weller to the way)

but shouldn’t be? So they painted from him and he voices.

There, even a black guy, a newcomer walks in a jacket of sports from a policeman from Beverly Hills. A trifle is cool. And in general a bunch of referers from films 80s.

So it’s good.

Wow, and the English language is and is available for purchase in the English Federation, well, thanks. But some people are another example, publishers do not force them to ban games in the English Federation and RB is their choice, and you continue to look for workarounds and forcibly shove money for offices "Inaccessible in your region". Now Steam is normally replenished from the maps of the English Federation, for example VTB (Internet Bank-Poisk Service-Shestam), and games "Inaccessible in your region" It is worth taking only in a green store.

If you like the game, buy and inaccessible

That is, you download 99% of the games from the torrent, and you will buy this right?) To be honest, I don’t really believe it) usually who loves licenses for a long time bought through Kazakh acks and do not soar with such incomprehensible principles, from which side of Gaben to bring money)

If you like the game, then just play it. Why to donate to publishers who consider you UNTERMENSH, unworthy to play their games?

And I mentioned it no coincidence "publishers". Money does not go to developers who may not treat you negatively – they just received salaries in the development process. The money that you are trying to push through the back door, just go to the publisher, who decides that you are an inaccurate non -commissioned. It is because of this, perhaps publishers do not feel the special consequences of their stupid restrictions, still receiving decent money from our region. But money is the only thing that the publisher can make one or not another decision.

I would recommend saving money and thanking it adequate. The same Larian or NaCon, publisher of the robot of a policeman and other beautiful games.

I don’t care where they go and for what reason they are inaccessible. I get the game instantly (if there is denuvo), I do not wait half a year. I get updates in a timely manner without dancing with tambourine. I have access to all the content for which in some games you need a network, I can play with friends without any hamachi and other nonsense

This is good, at first glance the game is wooden, but in fact everything rests on the study of the little things and the storyline
In general, the system of updating the standard robocop pistol is made steeply, here you have a bunch of variability, and shooting without reloading, and fraction, and a single shot of the ending of ED9 from 10 shots and a bunch of different ones, but in general, sustained stylistics in the spirit of the trilogy is very good

The fact that the people throw screenshots with bugs is a drop in the sea, in comparison with new trends "Buy a better compile for a better match, we make games here and not you, we are optimization, not your technical investigations of a dead game engine"

I hope they will release, if not a continuation, then another game in the franchise of old militants

No. Events occur between 2-3 parts.

Let’s play for the iron, play for the loud!

In films and in the game, I did not emphasize these lips, and what is the case in these lips? (:

Well, as if physiognomically – full -blooded red lips is a sign of sexual attraction of increased..So xD

It is strange that on other people’s men’s lips focus the attention of male individuals.

Just played a couple of hours, yes, it is quite well played

You see a parqueton sticks out, a dude fell under the floor and the mission to pull it out of there. The act of a real robocop

Not. He just drove him with his fist.))

I think not only Robocop fans will be interesting. In general, all lovers of cyberpunk and robots as a whole will be kaathe. As for me, Robokop is the same terminator, or even an analogue of Judge Drede – only the Robokop is kind, unlike the rest.

I would like this game to receive the second part or at least a large plot addition. The game is really powerful!

It would be very good to make a game about Dredda..

And it is better to combine two universes, a robocop and a terminator

What does Cyberpank have to do with it?

What other cyberpunk, what are you carrying?

There was never nothing good from the Crosses.

The game is worthy and hears positive reviews, the game Topchik)

Online PPC small – I thought more 🙁

The game is good. Really nostalgia. The heads of opponents explode cool. In general, high.

While it goes to the best game of 10 years, with such a tiny budget, but with such an atmosphere and decent graphics

The game even very entered, nostalgia hits straight)) there are jambs with optimization, but I think they will do anything.

I thought it would not really hook, but no wrong!Like a shooting range, but there are open locations and missions different!And tanks leave the same in jokes and wash Robotsyp!A good militant, but the film did not come in at one time, although the game was the same on Dandy and Sege.

I got acquainted with the game, better than Starfield (who do not understand not stupid), there are annoying flaws, the second time I will not go this game, rating 7 out of 10.

Robokop and setting itself – sex.

Gameplay – dull Polish Shutan.

The plot – for the action movie will fit.

Now let’s Rambo or Commando (fixed). Also, for nostalgia.

Rambo is the first game of this studio. She is a hundred years old at lunch. What kind of commander? Maybe you’re talking about the commando with Schwartz?

How many people are confused "Commandos" And the film "Commando".

And what a cool review was on her on the PG

There are sometimes such bark from a phone with a auto -substrate that it is not even funny. And yes, corrected.

Somehow missed, thanks.

I have a stupid black screen, the game unfortunately does not work. Apparently another time. 😔.

Try to start from the admin, and at the first launch I waited quite a long time.

Removing me, but my opinion is like a game is 6.0 nothing special, I pumped the experience of the social (ending the norms to get), all this has already seen. But how an interactive film is 9.0 hard.

On the RTX 3050 eight -giga goes well.But the facial expressions of course are 10 years ago, compare at least the last rubber.But in principle, you can play.

Even my Karga RX580 copes with this game

On low if only.The game is so not a frail system loads.Recently hacked witch and then consumes less with the best graphone.

So here is anryl 5, and in the column the engine of the kweik3))) you need to understand.

medium low, cyberpan

Game class !! Like the good old !! I loved it !! I recommend ! fans how I will come in very much ! One audio track in the game uhh how villains to wet cool under this muzon ! And most importantly! Alive or dead you will come with me !!

This is the magic of gaming😁

some kind of reckoning campaign flew, or the virus has started, there are no more options

Drivers did not update? And reckoning from Windows and hidden can be

I played on demo, I can say with confidence that the game is basically suitable. Not without flaws, in some places slow walking for example, but it and its heavy sounds on the other side add atmosphere and authenticity. Visual style is good, the music is off, the gameplay has been worked out quite wonderful and interesting, not just jokan, there are quests, investigations, and pumping skills that open up quite useful functions, dialogue system, reputation. The shooting mechanics of Krivovat itself, and the stupid, of course, the shooting is simple, but the heads scatter and maybe even fun. And for the fans of the robocop, this is straight balm to the soul, I will definitely take the game myself.

Game on the first part of the film or all three?

As I already said – I played only in the demo, so I can’t judge about the full version in terms of the plot yet. But we begin to play right behind Robokop, that is, on the behalf of Murphy before there was no story from it, but then you need to watch.

For all three (more of course in the first and second, but on the third there is also), with which the Easter and references are simply an outrageous number, the developers really approached with trepidation and scurpling to the recreation of many moments, scenes, locations, dialogs, flashbacks, music and other ones Little things.

The events of the game occur between some films, it seems after the second part

I thought she went out 2 days ago, the half of the game has already passed, in principle, the game of norms, chase, shoot dumb bonds for sake.

A very boring game with a shooting of thoughtless balvans
There are only 2 bosses in the game.
the rest is the wounds of the shooting of bots that cannot do anything even on max difficulties. quests are also dull g. In the likeness, electricity turned off you need to go to the basement and start the generator or sign postcards for a partner in the hospital or help the person go to the store and choose a video cassette with his favorite film
Such a parach

Optimization there is a trash

Compared to Alan Wake 2 and Starfield, we can say that the optimization is quite normal, there are of course there are such horror as in the mentioned games.

Compared to them, then yes the optimization is excellent))

On the GTX 1650TI in 1980 on the laptop, quite cheerfully runs. Neither brakes nor freezes.

Well, with that "graphone" and comparing by the corridor to optimize it with the examples you given is not particularly correct

Something I also want to try it out, but I don’t know if my PC and configi will pull her

Or do not try? Video map 6 gigs

Game worthy of Verkhoven’s film

If this game came out in my childhood, then there would be a holiday. Another picture at the level of cyberpunk with Path Tracing. I did not play, but atmosphere reminds me of Vampire: The Masquarade.

The main villain surprised

Duc Epty. They slept fiercely on the terminator "Paid" aggregators and graphoders who specially Heaty the game. Since she was the best at the end of the 19th that the genre could offer. Moreover, such a game was waiting and wanted the logical development of the plot. In fact – "Terminator: Resistance" This is the 3rd terminator that was supposed to be in the canonical branch of the 1st and 2nd film. Plus – "The line of extermination" The success of the main game even more secured the success of the main story and the 1st film. Well, of course. Familiar scenes on the film on the game engine that are fiercely declare that the game and the film are in 1 universe.

Well, Robokop is already the lessons that the teions have removed from the terminator.
I will not be surprised if they have strangers or a predator on the 3rd line. For this is also 2 stagning universes. Although according to the strangers – the colonial infantry has well soaked holes and fit well into the narrative as events between 2 and 3m films. So it’s hard to come up with something to be good "Break" canonical line" first films. Since in fact a stranger bent after the 3rd part. And the 3rd already in essence sagged.
And with a predator – even harder. Since the story of Alan Schaeffer is described in sufficient detail in "Hunting Grauds" In the form of audio days. And Lieutenant Harrigan remained a noun in the universe. Events are silent about him what happened next. Plus, he is not such an interesting character as Schaeffer (dang). Well, and the heroes "Poin" Also in Hunting Grauds are described and it makes no sense to repeat. They are passing.

I still think. What is possible after the robocop will be "Starter". There is game stagnation well, oooooooooooh ancient.