Remnant 2 came to their liking – the first assessments of the atmospheric shooter appeared

Before the release of the cooperative shooter, Remnant 2 is left less than a week and today journalists and bloggers shared their impressions and grades. The game liked many reviewers and at the moment the shooter has an estimate of 80 points – Opencritic, based on 12 reviews.

The shooter of the shooter will take place on July 25 on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series and PC, and recently developers showed 38 minutes of gameplay and atmospheric review trailer.

Gunfire Games took everything that she learned at Remnant from the Ashes, and expanded it so much that I do not think that she can surpass this. But I’m more than glad that they tried to do it. There is something to enjoy both Remnant lovers, and fans of the ACS-RPG and Souls-Like, but most importantly, the game just screams about fun.

Based on everything that was in the original, from the variety of enemies, the design of the bosses to the ways to configure the game style – Remnant II turned out to be a continuation, which largely corresponds to the title "more, better, bolder".

The first part is at least? second year, as I can not get to her. It is worth trying? What is similar to?

As a person who is very picky for games, I can only tell you one. Just leave everything and just try !!

Shooter-Rogalik, adequately played only in coope.Comparison with Salt Games is exaggerated as soon as the desired equipment is obtained – the game becomes relatively simple.+ there is a grind of resources =)

Yesterday the first boss I shadow I only took out 30 times. You get luli from all sides there. 2 seconds on the spot stood an explosion. You just run around the landfill. Burned with me. But I started 2 difficulties at once. Perhaps that is why there are still additional problems.

If you love hardcore games with interesting bosses, then you should definitely play.

Laboratory Summer is sprinkled, with heavy armor wakes up to play much easier ~ _ ~

As I understand it, the text chat and the vocal in the game was never released, if he was already shocked in the trailer of the gameplay emotion. Yes, they are good, but this is not enough. And if these emotions are soundless, then those who do not hear them in front of them.

80 points are not enough. This means the developer in those sides of the game that suffered from the first part not all corrected.

The main thing is to maintain the hardcoreness of the first part (judging by the gameplay rollers with this is all right) well, the most cool feature of the first part is of course the bosses, their various ways of killing and receiving various weapons, depending on how you killed the boss, plus the bosses They changed during repeated passage, and of course, the procedural generation of locations also added diversity, I really hope all these elements in the second part at the same level.Well, it is immediately clear that the locations have become much better and larger, they look much more atmospheric than in the first part.

What can I say, the obvious paid Revushword is a positive. 80 points do not mean at all that the game is good, it means nothing at all. If such loud headlines and praise, then there is something wrong. They probably want to inflate the bubble, and then it will burst. All the same, all the same these days are suspicious, all garbage is hung on the shortcut of Souls-Like, although in reality they are far from the real Souls. This is just another cooperative shooter for entertainment, but not real art. So many such games have already been released that they can not introduce anything new. It will be 99% an ordinary empty hardcore with one gameplay. Normal players understand everything, and all these reviewers depend on the publishers and you cannot rely on them.

Souls-Like with guns does not exist in principle, because there is no such control over the character, such as in Elden Ring or Bloodborne, where you can play (on ng+ by itself) for a clean castor or arrow. However, if the game at least remains at the same level as it was – this is already good =) for it is a good cooker for 90 hours. Another thing is that the cuckolds like a very narrow audience.

well, xs, in my opinion the same part, only in profile, is not worse or better, like DLS perceived.

They didn’t even manage to pull the schedule.

Like DLS. Old song)

So the first was a very suitable game, there was a little lack of funding, but I hope that in this part they are walking in full

well, judging by the price tag, they simply cannot but walk in full.

And I say that the first was bad?

Only the new one remained at the same level

DLC for several tens of hours, yes?: D Khm, hundreds of hours.

The fact that much is taken from 1 part can be seen, but a separate mechanics of classes, more rings, class skills.. The fact that the weapon is most likely unique to each class I do not think it should not be so. But if there is a binding of skills in the class on the same pistols at the shooter, so you will use them. A fighter class in general can be a speaker. Just an incision gave more freedom, nothing prevents you from taking any weapon.

Just for this you need to bear punishment (for the inconsistency. class) and it should be clear to the player. But there they said that it was possible to change the class at any moment, to rearrange, so freedom of action.

the graphics are not the strongest side is yes) but the chip of the game in its reiglabiness, In the final trailer, they brought this point to the very end, most likely the incisions are still afraid to scare newcomers, but this is clear to the old people.

I did not like a little Nerud at first glance, but since the gameplay trailer was with him, most likely this location is also not the strongest side of the game.

In the first remnant, as for me, the bosses inspired greatness and hatred, and looking at the regenerator and that parasite you are offended by how beautiful it looks from the outside, but it is unworthy.

But you can always put the apocalypse from scratch and see what hell is waiting for you. It is clear that you will put out everyone with ready -made builds, and without them, even a modest rubbish with a shield will enrage and you will take your words back: D